What are the most popular pork scratching brands in the UK? May 2, 2021 12:08
Yes you are on Snaffling Pig's website, but let's try and be as unbiased as possible
According to Neilson April 2021 (Value (in £) MAT - end 10-APR-21), the UK pork snack market is worth £28m, having grown from £25.5m, an 11% increase in value. This is the data from all the grocery and convenience market.
The market leader in pork snacks is Mr Porky however in a market that has grown by 11% they only grew by 5%, which is basically saying they are going backwards and losing market share. Mr Porky is owned by the giant Irish firm Tayto.
And guess who's number 2?! The underdog, the 100% British owned firm: Snaffling Pig! We grew by 26% in this period, beating all the other pork snack brands such as Midland Snacks and Real Pork Crackling. Our growth explains that we are growing the category and winning market share off our competitors at the same time.
Snaffling Pig only started 6 years ago, so getting to the number 2 position is a huge testament to our team and the brand we have built. It's clear we have something very special and our customers are voting with their wallets and not only swapping out their Mr Porky purchases for us, but also swapping some of the duller snacks like crisps for the EPIC porky morsel.
What's also incredibly exciting about this data is that Mr Porky really only sells in grocery and convenience so its highly likely this is 80%+ of their total sales. However Snaffling Pig has a very strong online and hospitality business, which makes it very likely that we could in fact be bigger than Mr Porky.
If you are a retailer and interested in stocking our range, please get in touch by emailing hungry@snafflingpig.co.uk and let's make the piggin' magic happen.