Snaffling Pig is fundraising April 17, 2023 11:21

Back in November 2019, we completed our Crowdfunding raise. A raise we never intended to do again. The money we raised was aimed at putting rockets under our aspiration to become THE LEADING MEAT SNACK BRAND IN THE UK.

Of course, Covid 19, subsequent supply chain and inflationary pressures and colassal increases in energy prices, not to mention our nationwide product recall have all thrown massive spanners in our preverbals. BUT, we have proven INCREDIBLE RESILIENCE over the past three years. Despite the challenges, the Snaffling Pig BRAND REMAINS IN A STRONG POSITION

The last 12 months in particular have, frankly, been all about survival. We've been doing whatever it takes to keep this pig trotting. Through grit and pivots, we are thankfully now in a position to cautiously THINK MORE OPTIMISTICALLY. We've learned to keep it lean and to do more with less. It is still very tough out there, and many brands will fall by the wayside in the near future, but we are determined that not only will PIG survive, but it'll also PIGGIN' THRIVE.

To get us back on track, we need a shot in the arm to kickstart us back to porky domination. RELAUNCH our foils with a new look and feel, unleash EXCITING NEW PRODUCTS and get us into more hands than ever before.

We're sticklers for bootstrapping and known for being tighter than a pair of Love Island jeans but on the flip side we're armed with a list of opportunities which need cash to grow. We know we can grow the business organically but we realise to be the biggest and best at what you can do a little help from a crowd of supporters can help us reach our stars a whole load quicker. 

We have broken down in a little more detail how we plan to invest your money;

1. On-trade

This sector is the heart of what we do, the pub. There are 45,000 of these bad boys in the country and we're just scraping the surface here. We currently do just under £1m and our plan is to invest in a team fit to develop business in this area. 

2. Grocery

Supermarkets are the crust of the piggin' pie. We are working with 2 of the most formidable brands but we have several more to go. Within our existing supermarkets we have more lines to list and even more space to gain distribution. We are aiming to work up the buying chain with a focus on activation, namely coupons, consumer advertising and gaining space within the the highest footfall aisles. Not to forget, there is a significant opportunity to develop the more chilled meats, gifting and crackling lines for grocery.

3. Gifting

Get us back on shelf in all the places we have been before. We have an epic gifting range that drives brand awareness but we have never gone outside of the UK. This is our moment. With an EU factory set up now we are better placed than ever to take advantage of this massive market opportunity. 



Visit our Crowdfunding page by clicking here.

If you have any questions in the meantime or if you'd like to come and see our set-up and learn more, we'd love to show you around. Feel free to email me directly at

As always, investments of this nature carry risks to your capital. Please Invest Aware.

Thank you 

Stay in touch 



Investments of this nature carry risks to your capital. Please Invest Aware.