World Cup 2022 Ultimate Beer & Snack Bundles

This year the World Cup is happening from 20 November to 18 December 2022 in Qatar. Unusually it's happening in wintertime, more specifically in the build-up to Christmas. Now, we don't claim to be piggin' experts on the beautiful game, but we do know porky snacks and beer; we also know a thing or two about Christmas and we know all these things can be responsibly enjoyed together with family and mates, with any game of football on the telly. 

The Real Snaffling Snack Box


Piggin' Selection Hamper


A Very Pig Night In: Epic Pork Crackling and Beers Selection Hamper


Snaffling Pig Beer Cans

From £2.75

Empty Gift Box


Piggin' age check

Please confirm you are aged 18 years or older. We can't sell alcohol to piglets, obvs.